Conference Program

1st day (30th October)
Case studies presentation and Business Approaches
9.00H – Opening session and welcome to participants.
- Mário Moutinho
- Lusófona University Rector
- Catarina Vaz Pinto
- Lisbon City Council Head of the Culture Department
- Hélder Ferreira
- ADGTCP Presidente – Cultural Tourism
- Fernando Medina
- Lisbon Tourism Association, President
- Licínio Cunha
- Conference Chairman
1st Panel – Great Cultural facilities in developing a destination
Manuel Vilas Boas
- 10h00 – «Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, 2010-2014. Como se faz um “primeiro museu”»
- António Filipe Pimentel | Museum of Ancient Art, Lisboa, Portugal
- 10h25 – «La Cultura como variable de desarrollo/ culture as a development tool»
- Xabier Peréz Gaubeka | Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain
- 10h50 – Debate
11h30m – Coffee break
2nd Panel – The cultural events in structuring a destination
Manuel Vilas Boas
- 11h45 – «Festas de Lisboa, a reinvenção do lugar»
- Miguel Honrado | EGEAC – Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural, Lisboa, Portugal
- 12h10 – «Festival Internacional da Máscara Ibérica: valorização do património cultural imaterial por via do turismo»
- Helder Ferreira | Progestur, Portugal
- 12h30 – Debate
12.45H/14.50H – Lunch Break
3rd Panel – How to value Cultural Heritage
José d’ Encarnação
- 15h00 – «Pousadas de Portugal, uma memória com Futuro»
- Luís Castanheira Lopes | Pousadas de Portugal, Portugal
- 15h30 – «Presente, passado e futuro do turismo em Amarante, na casa da calçada»
- Dr. Oriol Juvé de Yebra | Casa da Calçada, Amarante, Portugal
- 16h00 – «Quem não esteve em Nova Iorque? – Cinema, Sonho, Economia e Valorização Territorial»
- Nuno Fonseca – | Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual
- 16h30 – Debate
17h00m – Coffee break
4th Panel – Cultural Animation, Differentiation and Satisfaction
José d’ Encarnação
- 17h15 – «Rota do românico:património, cultura, turismo em prol do desenvolvimento regional»
- Rosário Correia Machado | Rota do Românico, Portugal
- 17h45 – «Turismo INATEL: do turismo de massas ao turismo cultural»
- Fernando Ribeiro Mendes | INATEL, Portugal
- 18h15 – «O evento urbano e o turismo: o ponto de vista da arte urbana e dos festivais de luz»
- Mário Caeiro | Curador e Diretor artístico do Festival Bella Skyway, Torun, Polónia/dd>
- 18h45 – Debate
- 19h00 – Closing
2nd day (31th October)
Papers Presentation – Academic Approach
1st Panel – Cultural Tourism and Innovation
Eduardo Sarmento Ferreira | ULHT Tourism
- 9h30 Conference Chairman Adress
- 9h40 – «Mutuality: a viable approach to post-colonial heritage?»
- Keynote Speaker: Ph.D. Gregory Ashworth | University of Groningen, Netherlands
- 10h00 «Cultural heritage management based on innovative certification standards»
- Joana Neves | Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Jorge Rodrigues | FCG, Lisboa - 10h30 – «Developing Egyptian World Heritage Sites through Creative Tourism (A management approach)»
- Yasmine Sabry | Zagazig University, Egypt
- 10.50H – Coffee break
- 11h15 «Games Available on Mobile Devices as Support to Visit The Exhibitions»
- Ana Carolina Correia | Universidade de Aveiro – Portugal
- 11h40 Debate
- 12h00 – 14h00 – Lunch Break
2nd Panel – Cultural Tourism and Identity
Religion, Spirituality and Tourism
Mafalda Patuleia | ULHT Tourism Programme Director
- 14h00 – «Managing Ethnic and Minority Communities as Cultural Tourism Attractions»
- Keynote Speaker: Ph.D. Melanie Smith | BKF University of Applied Sciences, Hungary
- 14h30 «The Mutual Relation between Identity and Cultural Tourism (Reimaging historic districts)»
- Mohamed Atef | Zagazig University, Egypt
- 15h00 «Turismo Literário no Algarve: A importância identitária das Lendas de Mouras Encantadas e Encantamentos»
- Cláudia Helena Nunes Henriques | Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
- 15h30 «Cultural Religious Tourism as a tool of sustainable development (Rethinking cultural religious tourism in Egypt)»
- Mohamed Atef e Yasmine Sabry | Zagazig University, Egypt
- 15h50 «Himachal the land of Religious Spiritual and Cultural Tourism: Possibilities and Challenges»
- Vikram Bhardwaj | Himachal Pradesh University – Shimla, Índia
- 16h10 – Debate
- 16h30 – Coffee break
3rd Panel – Thematic Routes and Tourism Diversification. Urban Revitalization and Cultural Tourism
Filipa Antunes | ULHT Urban Planning and Land Management Programme Director
- 16h45 – «Antropology of Indigenous Tourism in Latin America»
- Keynote Speaker: Ph.D. Xerardo Pereiro | University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
- 17h15 «Tourism and Cultural Engineering: The case of Goa»
- Teotónio de Souza | Universidade Lusófona, Potugal
- 17h35 – «Valor cultural de un festival en relación con el crecimiento del turismo: el caso de la Tapati Rapa Nui en Isla de Pascua, Sitio Patrimonio de la Humanidad»
- Roberto Concha M. | Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
- 17h55 – «Public Art and Heritage Trails as Instruments for Destination Revival – the Folkestone Triennial»
- Simon Curtis | University of Westminster, UK
- 18h15 – «Old city quarters and new displays: Transformation of East German cultural heritage policies in the last 25 years»
- Sung, Younkyoung | Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
- 18h25 – «The City-Break: a Contemporary Art tour in Oporto»
- Nádia Raquel Ochoa Castro de Araújo Rodrigues | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
- 18h45 – Debate
- 19h00 – Closing
3rd day (1st November)
Papers Presentation – Academic Approach
1st Panel – Marketing and Branding for Cultural Tourism
Jorge Carvalho | ULHT Design Programme Director
- 9h30 – «La transformación de la industria del turismo a la industria de los viajeros: el turismoslow, la implicación y el turismo experiencial como ejes del cambio Gastronomy, Slow Tourism and Experiential Marketing. A new perspective for Cultural Tourism»
- Keynote Speaker: Ph.D. José Manuel Hernandez Mogollón | Estremadura University, Spain
- 10h00 – «Production and consumption of Chinese urban cultural tourism»
- Rui SU & Bramwell | Sheffield Hallam University – UK
- 10h30 – Coffee break
- 10h45 – «Comunicação e turismo arqueológico na pós-modernidade»
- David Almeida Eleuterio | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
- 11h05 – «Marketing and Branding for Cultural Tourism»
- Chih-Wen Wu | National Chung Hsing University – Taiwan
- 11h25 Debate
- 11h50m Closing Session
- Manuel Damásio Lusófona University, President
- João Cotrim de Figueiredo Portuguese Tourism Institute, President
- Helder Ferreira ADGTCP – Cultural Tourism, Presidente
- Licínio Cunha Conference Chairman
Keynote Speakers

Xerardo Pereiro | Ph.D.
Holds a European PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia – Spain) and another PhD in Tourism from the University of La Laguna (Canarias – Spain).
He is assistant teacher with habilitation of anthropology and cultural tourism in UTAD (Portugal). He conducts research about anthropology of tourism and cultural heritage in CETRAD (Centre for Transdiciplinary Development Studies) of UTAD.
He has done fieldwork research in Asturias and Galicia (Spain), Portugal and Panama. He was the Head of Applied Anthropology Degree Course of UTAD, and visitor teacher in the universities of Vigo, Coruña, Santiago de Compostela, Pablo Olavide (Seville), Salamanca, Sevilla, Panamá, “Universidade Nova de Lisboa” and others.
He was awarded with 1994 Vicente Risco Award of Social Anthropology and Social Sciences, 2007 FITUR in research tourism and 2011 Sol-Meliá – University of Balears Islands Awards for Tourism Research. Nowadays is doing research on indigenous tourism in Guna Yala (Panama) and about new ruralities in Galicia and North of Portugal
- University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro -UTAD, CETRAD, Chaves Campus, Apartado 61 -5401-909- Chaves- Portugal
- 00351 259 350 000

Gregory Ashworth | Ph.D.
Was educated in Geography at the Universities of Cambridge, Reading and London (PhD.1974).
He has taught at the Universities of Wales, Portsmouth and since 1979 Groningen, The Netherlands. Since 1994, he is Professor of heritage management and urban tourism in the Department of Planning, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen (NL).
His main research interests focus on the interrelations between tourism, heritage and place marketing, largely in an urban context. He is author or editor of around 15 books, 100 book chapters, and 200 journal articles. He received honorary life membership of the Hungarian Geographical Society in 1995, an honorary doctorate from the University of Brighton in 2010 and was knighted for services to Dutch Science in 2011.
Books’ list
- Heritage management [‘Tourist-Historic City’ (Wiley, 1990/2000)
- ‘Heritage Planning’ (Geopers, 1992)
- Building a new heritage: Tourism, culture and identity in the New Europe (Routledge, 1994 /2013)
- ’Dissonant Heritage’ (Wiley, 1996)
- ‘European heritage planning and management’ (Intellect, 2001);’ A geography of heritage’ (Arnold, 2001)
- ‘Construction of built heritage’ (Ashgate, 2001)
- ‘Senses of place: senses of time (Ashgate, 2005); ‘Pluralising pasts’ (Pluto, 2007)]: tourism planning [‘Marketing in the tourism industry’ (Croom Helm, 1984 /2013)
- ‘Marketing tourism places’ (Routledge, 1990 /2013)
- ‘Tourism and spatial transformation’ (CABI, 1996)
- Horror and human tragedy revisited (Intellect, 2005)]: and place marketing [‘Selling the City’ (Wiley, 1990), Towards effective place brand management (Elgar, 2010)]

Melanie Smith | Ph.D.
Is an Associate Professor and Researcher in Tourism at the Budapest Business School in Hungary.
She was Director of BA Tourism and MA Cultural Tourism Management Programmes for several years at the University of Greenwich in London.
She is author or editor of several books about cultural tourism, including Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies (2003, 2009), Cultural Tourism in a Changing World: Politics, Participation and (Re)presentation (2006) and Tourism, Culture and Regeneration (2006).
She has just finished editing a Handbook of Cultural Tourism for Routledge with Greg Richards and is now editing a book with Anya Diekmann about Ethnic and Minority Communities as Tourist Attractionsfor Channel View.
She has also published many book chapters and journal articles on heritage tourism, urban cultural tourism, World Heritage Sites, festivals, culture-led regeneration, and cultural and creative industries.

José Manuel Hernandez Mogollón | Ph.D.
Is PhD in Economics and Business, Professor of Tourism Marketing at the University of Extremadura (Spain), and coordinator of the Research Group in Marketing and Tourism Management (MARKETUR).
His most important scientific publications are in the field of cultural and natural tourism management, and in particular on issues such as rural tourism, birdwatching, tourism intelligence, slow tourism, hospitality, events, agrotourism, relationship marketing or market orientation.
- Department of Business Management and Sociology, Faculty of Business and Tourism | University of Extremadura Avenida de la Universidad s/n 10071 Cáceres
- 00349 27 257 400
Scientific Committee
President of the Scientific Committee
- José d`Encarnação
- Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Members of the Scientific Committee
- Ana Paula Figueira
- Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Portugal
- Antónia Correia
- Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
- António Filipe Pimentel
- MNAA, Portugal
- António Nabais
- Associação Portuguesa de Museologia
- Anya Diekman
- Universite de Bruxelles, Belgium
- Caroline Couret
- Creative Tourism Network®, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
- Carla Fraga
- D.Sc. | Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO/Universidade Estácio de Sá, Brasil
- Cláudia Henriques
- Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
- Jon Edwards
- School of Tourism, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
- John Tribe
- School of Hospitality and Tourism University of Surrey, United Kingdom
- Jorge Rodrigues
- IHA, FCSH-UNL Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal
- Luiz Moutinho
- The Business School, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
- Luís Oosterbeek
- Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Portugal
- Mikros George
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- Nikolaos Boukas
- European University, Cyprus
- Razaq Raj
- Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
- Vitor Ambrósio
- Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, Portugal
Chairman and Committee of Honour

- Prof. Licínio Cunha
Chairman - Faculty of Social Sciences, Education and Administration Lusófona University

- Professor Mário Moutinho
Committe of Honour - Lusófona University Rector

- Francisco Calheiros
Committe of Honour - Portuguese Tourism Confederation, President

- João Cotrim de Figueiredo
Committe of Honour - Portuguese Tourism Institute, President

- Manuel Damásio
Committe of Honour - Lusófona University, President

- Catarina Vaz Pinto
Committe of Honour - Lisbon City Council Head of the Culture Department

- Fernando Medina
Committe of Honour - Lisbon Tourism Association President

- Hélder Ferreira
Committe of Honour - ADGTCP Presidente – Cultural Tourism
Call for papers
International Conference
Cultural & Tourism Heritage: Concepts, Realities, Perspectives
This conference will provide a unique forum for attendees from academia, tourism industry, government, and other organizations to actively exchange, share, and challenge state-of-the-art research and case studies on issues related to Cultural and Tourism Heritage.
We invite submissions that should cover many aspects within the spectrum Cultural and Tourism Heritage, including but not limited to:
- Heritage, Cultural Tourism and Development
- Cultural Tourism and Funding Sources
- Cultural Tourism and Business Opportunities
- Creative Industry and Entrepreneurship
- Popular Culture and Tourism
- Thematic Routes and Tourism Diversification
- Cultural Tourism and Identity
- Festivals and Event Cities
- Cultural Tourism and Innovation
- Religion, Spirituality and Tourism
- Cultural Tourism and Interregional Cooperation
- Gastronomy and Tourism
- Cultural Tourism and Public – Private Partnerships
- Literature and Tourism
- Urban Revitalization and Cultural Tourism
- Marketing and Branding for Cultural Tourism
- Cultural & Heritage Policies and Tourism
- Case Studies
Guidelines for Authors
Conditions for the presentations to be submitted The authors who have had their paper accepted, submit the final text by e-mail following conditions:
- Word file, with maximum 30 pages, single-spaced abstract (including cover page and references), with the following sections:
- Cover page with title and author contact information; – Abstract and 3-5 keywords
- Introduction
- Literature
- Method
- Results
- Conclusion and References
Please include in a separate file, the brief five-line biography of the author.
You must also send us a separate file an authorization document for publish your text We note that the length of presentations will be 15-20 minutes.
Submit to
Important Dates
- (Attention) Final Call: July 14, 2014
- Decision announcement: September 01
- Early Bird Registration: September 30
- Registration deadline for presenting authors conference date: October 1.
- Final date to send the presentation: October 15
- Limite Reservation (only for Authors) for Cultural Tour (November 01): October 15